Hi, I am Mia.

I started Eyeswide Imaging about 9 years ago, though I’ve had this passion for film for as long as I can remember.

I always thought it was Photography I loved. Now I know that it’s more than the art of photography or film…

It’s the preservation of a moment that truly matters to me.

I love meeting new people and hearing about your lives and loves. It’s such an important part of what I do and it’s an integral part of telling your story to the best of my ability.

These beautiful images of me and my family are by Kiara from https://www.lovestonedstudios.com.au


Birth, Weddings and Family films are close to my heart.

I truly believe that our relationships with ourselves and our loved ones are the most important things in our lives.

I believe it is worth documenting these ordinary and extraordinary days, to reminisce over when times are good, and to remind us of our purpose when times are a little tough.


‘As soon as I met Mia I felt instantly comfortable and certain that I wanted her to film my labour’ - Celine, mama of Fox

What else should you know about me?

My other full time job is Mum to my two beautiful kids, so I try my best to balance keeping two little humans alive while working for myself.

You’ll most often find us at the beach or park, coffee/babycinos in hand, or cruising the streets of Agnes Water on our bikes with the Disney tunes blaring.

Motherhood continually moulds the passion, style and intensity of my work.

Did you know we filmed the birth of our daughter?

Yep! Some people thought it was a little crazy.

But I knew how amazing it would be to have this reminder of how positive our birth was. How strong I was during labor, and that we were all there as a family to welcome her into this world.

And my favourite part of the whole video? Skip forward to the 29 second mark if you like. If I didn’t have this on film, I don’t think there is a chance I would have remembered this moment.


Would you look at them now!

So bloody cute.